Friday, July 24, 2009

My Husband's Leap of Faith

Even when I lived in the US, there was no other option for my kids except a Montessori school. My husband was partly a product of a very strict, Catholic, all-boys elementary school and a very strict, traditional, geek factory of a science high school. So it was a little bit difficult for me to convince him to give up his notion that "child stress leads to adult success."

I guess what eventually made him give it a try was living proof- me and my siblings all went to a Montessori school for preschool and elementary and he was amazed at (pardon the humility) our intelligence, creativity and adaptability. He would call us sisters "Renaissance women." My "ate" (older sister) is a B.S. Statistics graduate who gave up a computer programming career to be a model and then an editor for Cosmopolitan magazine Philippines. My other sister is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, a journalist and now works in Wall Street. I have not achieved such great lengths but I am a Food scientist, occasional writer, balloon decorator, party planner, baker, quilter, and jewelry designer among others.

I think he was able to envision our 6 year old daughter (she was 2 back then) turn into one of us. Maybe it's genes or the whole Montessori experience but lately she is showing signs of eventually becoming one of us (it's sounding like an alien movie... "come, be one of uhssss... teeneeneenee, teeneeneenee (UFO music)).

A few months ago, while my husband and I were off to an island vacation, she convinced my mom to help her put up an "art show." The day before the show, she asked all the yayas (nannies) and her little brother to make some drawings for the art show. Of course she made a few of her own as well. On the day of the art show, she made name tags for all the participants- 2 baby siblings, yayas, and her grandparents. She posted all the artwork on the wall of my mom's guest room. Everyone was required to wait outside the room for the "ribbon cutting" ceremony. After everyone entered the room, they were served "tea." The day ended with her lolo and lola (grandpa and grandma) buying some of her pieces for P 50 (over a $1) each.

Yayas admiring their artwork

Lolo buys a drawing...Gabby made P150!
(hey, how come no one bought the yayas' drawings???)

For me, maybe that's what is wonderful about growing up Montessori. It's great to see kids conceptualize a concept, prepare and plan, and then execute. It's great to see how they are able to see the tiny details that many of us grownups overlook. It's great to see them carry out their ideas with confidence and pride. But the greatest thing is always how happy they are doing it. In the end, that's one of the things we Montessori parents want for our kids- to see them happy doing their work and to see them happy learning.

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